26 Years of Awesome
Rare Form Moose
A hybrid of the English and Welsh flags

May 2019 Freebie Fun

A Flag for Wangland

We have no interest in discussing politics here, but branding is very much part of what we do.

Now that May has left, and Boris is the odds-on favourite for our next PM, it’s time to get ready for our brave new future. A no deal Brexit is now the most probable outcome. It’s very likely this will result in a new independence campaign in Scotland. Northern Ireland is also  likely to break off to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic.

This just leaves England and Wales. What will this new entity be called ?

The inevitable answer is Wangland. Here’s our proposal for our new flag.

Posted by: Joss Earl

May 22, 2019

What our clients say...

Hall Training

We rely on our website for business and enquiries in Oxford - Rare Form have not only built us a functioning website that's practical but, they've also managed to make it incredibly attractive and visually stunning. Rareform's design and launch of the new site meant we quickly saw a rise in our Google listings, and now come up number one for most of the keyword searches we were looking for - a fantastic result and would highly recommend them!