26 Years of Awesome
Rare Form Moose

Feb 2014 Fun Social

world of warcraft infographic

I have been playing World of Warcraft since it first came out in 2004. I’m not proud of this fact, nor am I ashamed…it is what it is…purely a fact.   I have had a few small breaks here and there (week-long at most), but have been a constant, dedicated player.

My name is Jeannie, and I play World of Warcraft.

Beyond it being incredibly immersive, fun, and more addictive than any drug you could ever take, it has some amazing stats, which Blizzard just released a fun infographic.

My favourite stats are these:

1.  There are 2.8 million daily trades.  This is 2x the amount that was done on Cyber Monday on eBay 2009.

2.  500 million characters created in WoW v. the population of the USA which is 316 million.

3. 100 million lifetime players which is 2 times the population of South Korea.

4.  The in-game text is over 6 million words, which is more than 12 Lord of the Rings.

Have a look…maybe see you in Azeroth.

Posted by: Jean Paldan

Feb 10, 2014

The team is bursting with creativity

Cotswold Barristers

In a crowded market-place, Rareform New Media stands out. The team is bursting with creativity, and responsive to your aims on promoting your business's culture. They are always a pleasure to deal with. No better place to interpret and present your unique offering.