26 Years of Awesome
Rare Form Moose

Apr 2014 Freebie

Wednesday Freebie – Food and Drink Icon Pack

We all love a good freebie, here at the Rare Form HQ we have decided to give back. Every Wednesday we will be giving away various design assets, be it an icon pack, a rad background, or even some awesome web elements that you can use on your own work or commercial work (see below for the full terms of use)

This week we have a cute set of food and drink icons for your downloading pleasure. These are ideal for any project that is in need of colourful and fun icons.

Download link below. =]


Terms of use: You are free to use these icons however you like, be it for personal projects or commercial projects. All we ask is that you credit us if used (heck, even send us a link to your work so we can see your awesomeness), and to not sell them as your own. 

Posted by: Joss Earl

Apr 30, 2014

What our clients say...

Hall Training

We rely on our website for business and enquiries in Oxford - Rare Form have not only built us a functioning website that's practical but, they've also managed to make it incredibly attractive and visually stunning. Rareform's design and launch of the new site meant we quickly saw a rise in our Google listings, and now come up number one for most of the keyword searches we were looking for - a fantastic result and would highly recommend them!